Silent Night, John Woo's dialogue-free film

Silent Night, John Woo's dialogue-free film


Silent Night the film without dialogues

John Woo, the renowned action film director, is back with his latest 2023 film project, Silent Night.


But this news is a real boon for movie lovers, as it marks Woo's return after a six-year break since his last release in 2017.

Silent Night is not only Woo's creation, but also an action film set at Christmas, which makes it a surprise on several levels.


A Triumphant Return to Action Cinema

The film not only boasts Woo's action expertise as a director, but it also features production from one of those responsible for John Wick.

A franchise widely recognized for its exciting action scenes and brilliant choreography.

However, what makes Silent Night even more exceptional is the fact that much of the film was created without on-screen dialogue, adding a unique element to the cinematic experience.

Release date of

Silent Night the film without dialogues

For viewers in the United States, the opportunity to enjoy the emotions of Silent Night is scheduled for December 1st, with its exclusive theatrical release.

But as for the UK audience and the rest of the world, there is no information available about the air date yet.

The Story of Silent Night

Silent Night is a narrative created by Robert Archer Lynn, and here is the official synopsis:

“From the hands of legendary director John Woo and the producer of John Wick comes this revenge story of a tormented father who witnesses his son's death in a gang shootout on Christmas Eve.

Determined, he begins an intensive training journey to avenge his son's death.”

Notable Cast

Silent Night the film without dialogues

The film stars Joel Kinnaman as the protagonist, Godlock, seeking revenge.

Kinnaman is an experienced actor in action films, with appearances in productions such as Suicide Squad, 44th Kid and Run All Night.

Additionally, he played roles in hit series such as House of Cards, In Treatment, Hanna and For All Mankind.

Silent Night's supporting cast includes Catalina Sandino Moreno (From, The Affair) as Saya, Scott “Kid Cudi” Mescudi (X, Don't Look Up) as Vassell and Harold Torres (Memory, Run Coyote Run) as Playa.

The Silent Night Trailer

But to get an exciting glimpse of what Silent Night has in store for audiences, watch the film's official trailer.

Silent Night is a bold and exciting proposal that marks John Woo's triumphant return to action cinema.

And its unique approach, with dialogue-free scenes, promises to deliver a truly memorable cinematic experience.

So we can only anxiously await the release of this film, which promises to be a gift for cinema and action lovers.